OFFICE HOURS: see tutorias.uca.es/tutorias/
Labs of Concurrent and Real Time Programming (BSC in Computer Science, see contents, in spanish, assessment of my students) (Fall-Winter, 2019-2020)
Models of Computation (BSC in Computer Science, see contents, in spanish, assessment of my students) (Winter-Spring, 2020)
Labs of Introduction to Programming (BSC in Engineering) (Fall-Winter, 2019-2020)
UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL (Old, and Pre-Bolonia Academic Curriculum, since 1993)
Concurrent and Real Time Programming (BSC in Computer Science, 8 editions)
Concurrent and Distributed Programming (BSC in Computer Science, pre-Bolonia,19 editions)
Automata Theory and Formal Languages (BSC in Computer Science, pre-Bolonia,25 editions)
Models of Computation (BSC in Computer Scince, pre-Bolonia, 6 editions)
Introduction to Programming (BSC in Engineering, pre-Bolonia, 16 editions)
Client-Server Programming (MSC in Computer Sciences, 4 editions)
Introduction to Computing (BSC in Law, pre-Bolonia, 2 editions)
Introduction to Computing (BSC in English Philology, pre-Bolonia, one edition)
Introduction to Computing (BSC in Teaching, pre-Bolonia, one edition)
Desing and Development of Applications with XML (MSC in Computer Science, pre-Bolonia, one edition)
Criptography with Celular Automata
Compared Computability: From a Historiographical Synthesis to Formal Models
Projects currently offered:
Recreational Mathematics with Java.
Design and Implementation of Models of Computation
Parallel Implementation of a Grid Model For Epidemic Dissemination,
Interested students can contact me through this website (see contact section), during office hours, or writing to my e-mail: antonio.tomeu [at] uca.es
Projects in development and completed
Paralelización de Modelos de Microescala de Simulación de Crecimiento Tumoral (in progress).
Algoritmos Paralelos De Descomposición Matricial LU: Análisis de Rendimiento Computacional y Consumo Energético Sobre Procesadores Heterogéneos (in progress).
Paralelización de un Modelo del Carcinoma Intraductal de Mama con Autómatas Celulares.
Web Application for Inventory Control (Mr. Sergio Ramírez Domínguez)
GestPadel (Mr. José Abraham Gómez)
Framework for Cellular Automata Simulation (Mr. Emilio Galindo Martín)
A Model of Computation Interpreter with Java (Mr. Alberto García)
Neuronal Networks Processing on Multicore Architectures (Mr. Jorge Benítez Zájara y Mr. Carlos Cagigao Bravo)
Android App for Managment of Commercial Offers (Mr. Iván F. Álvarez)
Desing and Implementation of a Framework for Celullar Automata Computing (Mr. F. Barquín)
Design and Implementation of Applications with Android (Miss Elena Gómez)
Design of the Information Security Protocol in an Aeronautic Enterprise (Mr. Sergio Ramírez)
Android App for Soccer Trainers (Mr. Jose L. Martín Almoguera)
Parallelisation of Tumoral Growth Simulation with Cellular Automata (Mr. Manuel Francisco Aparicio)
Old projects (see the complete list of ol, in spanish).
Professor Tomeu has been advisor of students in their professional practices. Currently, he is advisoring the following studentes:
Mr. Manuel López
Mr. Álvaro Fernádez Cortés
Mr. Sergio Ramírez
Mr. Juan José Santandreu Sánchez
Mr. Marcos J. Butrón Pérez
Mr. Manuel López Urbina
Mr. Jaime Muñoz Fernández
Miss Elisabeth Sevillano Usal
Integrating Fuzzy Cellular Automata in Stream Ciphers. Francisco Navarro Ríos, currently working.
Identificating and Recovering Parallel Corpus in World Wide Web. Dr .Eloisa M. Yrayzoz Díaz de Liaño, 2010
Hypermedia Systems to Learn Read-Writing. Dr. Fracisco D. Ortega Molina, 2006
Mr. Yefri Manuel Pallarés Núñez
Old Assistants:
Miss Alexandra Morón Ménez
Mr. Alberto García González
Mr. Abraham Fernández Nieto
Mr. Aarón Bueno Villares
Mr. Moisés Gautier Gómez
Mr. Fabián Sellés Rosa
Introduction to Cellular Automata (ISYS Center, Central University of Venezuela)
Algorithmic Complexity in Great (ISYS Center, Central University of Venezuela)
Public Key Criptography with Cellular Automata (University of Colima)
ACADEMIC INNOVATION PROJECTS (more recent, in spanish)
Diseño de un Itinerario Transversal de Asignaturas Optativas para el Soporte Técnico del e-commerce
Prácticas Guiadas para el Aprendizaje de los Lenguajes de Programación
Acciones Transversales de Acción Tutorial en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería
Desarrollo de un Auto-Protocolo de Calidad del Profesorado Universitario
Integración de TICS en la Docencia Teórica de una Asignatura de Programación Concurrente AWARDED!
Microanimaciones como Herramienta para la Mejora de la Atención de los Estudiantes en Clase (see here)
Integración del Desarrollo de Documentos Científicos con Latex en las Prácticas de Una Asignatura de Programación Concurrente Mediante Herramientas En La Nube (see here) AWARDED!
Video Juego de Estrategia 3D en Tiempo Real Aplicado al Aprendizaje del Diseño de Algoritmos. AWARDED!
Adaptando la Tutoría a las Necesdades Individuales del Estudiante: Utilizando el Campus Virtual como Herramienta de Análisis alternativa al Clicker (see here). NEW!
Utilizando "Gamificación" ambientada en Micromundos para Enseñar Programación Paralela Multicore
(see here). NEW!