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Antonio J. Tomeu-Hardasmal, PhD

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Antonio Tomeu is asociate professor of Computer Science in the University of Cádiz. He received a BEng&MEng in Computer Science (Theoretical Computer Science) by the Faculty of Science (University of Granada) in years 1990 and 1992. In 1993 he obtained an MBA in Business Administration by Instituto Euroformación, and received a PhD in Science (Maths) by the Faculty of Science (University of Cádiz) in 2002, with the dissertation entlited Synthesis of Cellular Automata Model into Cryptographic Protocols with Bitstream Encryption and Feistel Networks Based On.


He joined as Assistant Professor to the University of Cádiz in 1993, obteining a permanent position (tenured) as Senior Lecturer in 1998, and a position as associate professor (tenured) in 2010. He has developed several academic stays under various international exchange programs for universitary academics.


Today, he teaches in the Faculty of Engineering (University of Cádiz) and is leader of the research group PAI TIC-217, Tecnologías Distribuidas Aplicadas a la Medicina. Dr. Tomeu  is founding member of the Red Temática de Investigación en Tecnologías Concurrentes, Distribuidas y Paralelas (TECDIS). His current research topics are:


  • Simulation of Natural Phenomena with Cellular Automata

  • Private key Criptography with Cellular Automata

  • Multicore, GPU and Hardware Accelerators Parallel Programming

  • Analysis of Parallel Performace Bewteen Programming Languages

​Dr. Tomeu is editor in chief of a new electronic journal in the field of Parallel Programming over Multicore and GPU platforms: the Annals of Multicore and GPU Programming, and acts as reviewer of IEEE Latin America, Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elsevier) and Journal of Network and Computer Application (Elsevier).


November 13, 2019

Reading these days

The Sin of Abbé Mouret, by Émile Zola

October 29, 2019

Tensor Flow

Working with TS for pattern matching  of glomerulonephritis

July 19, 2019

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How We'll Live on Mars, by Stephen Petranek

March 9, 2019

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A Consise History of Russia, by Paul Buscovitch

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since December,  2013

Last Update: October 29, 2019 

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