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With friends...

In my cave, getting 50 years old

With friends, Priego de Córdoba

My Cervical Disk Bulge

In my blackboard (new headquarters)

Travel in Trujillo (Alcazaba)

In my new office...
A narrow site...

My office in the new headquarters
Yes, this is like a broom closet

In my old office (library)

In Geradl Brenan's Home

In my Blackboard...

In my old office...

Travel in Brno (Czech Republic)

In an Honor Roll...

In an Honor Roll...
This group of students was outstanding in my classroom about Models of Computation...

Alberto Salguero's PhD. Dissertation
From left to right: Dr. Delgado and Dr. Araque (advisors), Dr. McTear and Dr. Martínez (members of the court whith me), Alberto and Dr. Tomeu.
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