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Models of Compution-Cs 21714025

Instructors: Dr. Antonio Tomeu & Dr. Alberto Salguero, members of the Computer Science Department. University of Cadiz (Spain).

This course provides the answer to three questions about the nature of computation:


  • What is a computer and what is not a computer?

  • What problems can computers solve and what problems can computers never solve?

  • What problems can computers solve efficiently and what problems can computers never solve efficiently?


Course textbook: Computability, Complexity and Languages; by Martin Davis, Ron Sigal and Elaine Weyuker. Get the second edition.

Semester: 5





  1. Models of Computation: definition, utility and limits. Computable Functions.

  2. Recursive Functions Theory.

  3. Universality.

  4. Computing with Strings.

  5. Turing-computability.

  6. Other Related Models: PRAM, Cellular Automata...


Slides (Credits: Mr. Alberto García Gonzélez, assistant student, this material is old-fashion):

  1. Models of Computation: definition, utility and limits. Computable Functions (slides).

  2. Recursive Functions Theory (slides).

  3. Universality (slides).

  4. Computing with Strings (slides).

  5. Turing-computability (slides).

  6. Other Related Models (slides).



Problems Sheets:

  1. Sheet 1

  2. Sheet 2

  3. Sheet 3

  4. Sheet 4




Practical Sessions & Homeworks


  1. Working with L-Model Simulator ILC

  2. Computable Functions and Predicates with ILC

  3. S-Model Miicrointerpreter 

  4. Working with URM-Model Simulator

  5. URM-Model Miicrointerpreter

  6. Computability with a 2D Cellular Automata: Conway's Game Life

  7. The REC Functions Class in ILC

  8. Is the Mandelbrot Set recursive?

  9. Working with a Turing-Machines Simulator: JFLAP




  1. Theoretical Exam (model).

  2. Practical Exam (model).




  1. ILC (Interpreter for L Model Computation)

  2. JFLAP (A Turing-machine Simulator)

  3. URM (An Unlimited Registers Machine Simulator)

  4. Applet to Simulate Turing Machines

  5. Applet to Simulate Cellular Automata




Office Hours: coming soon...





  1. Partial Exams: 4 points.

  2. Homeworks: 3 points.

  3. Final Work: 1 point.

  4. Presentation (oral) of Final Work: 1 point.

  5. Contributions to glossary/wiki of the course: 1 point




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